
The winter season often brings the troublesome phenomenon of ice dams on roofs. These ice formations can lead to significant structural damage. Understanding their formation and implementing effective prevention strategies is vital for safeguarding your home.

Ice Dam Formation Explained

Ice dams develop when heat escaping from a home melts snow on the roof. This melted snow flows down to the colder eaves and refreezes, forming a dam that traps water. This trapped water can seep under shingles and into the home.

Key Factors in Ice Dam Development

  • Inadequate Attic Insulation: Poor insulation allows heat to escape easily, accelerating snow melt on the roof.
  • Variable Weather Patterns: Frequent shifts between freezing and thawing temperatures exacerbate the freeze-thaw cycle on the roof.

Proactive Prevention Measures

To minimize the risk of ice dams, consider these preventative strategies.

Upgrade Attic Insulation

Enhancing attic insulation is crucial. A well-insulated attic reduces heat loss, thereby decreasing the chances of snow melting on the roof.

Optimize Attic Ventilation

Adequate ventilation maintains a uniform temperature in the attic and along the roofline, helping to prevent the conditions that lead to ice dam formation.

Seal Attic Air Leaks

Eliminating air leaks around attic fixtures can significantly reduce warm air escape, a contributing factor to ice dam formation.

Install Heated Roof Elements

Heating elements along the roof edge and in gutters can prevent ice accumulation by creating meltwater channels.

Immediate Remedies for Existing Ice Dams

If ice dams have already formed, these steps can help mitigate their impact.

Employ a Roof Rake

Gently remove snow from the roof with a roof rake to lessen the amount of melting snow.

Use Calcium Chloride

Sprinkle calcium chloride on the ice dams to promote melting. Avoid rock salt as it can corrode roofing materials.

Seek Professional Assistance

For severe ice dam issues, professional services like those offered by Benson Contracting in Glens Falls, NY, can safely and effectively remove ice dams.

Long-Term Ice Dam Prevention

Adopt these strategies for ongoing protection against ice dams.

Regular Roof Inspections

Maintain your roof’s integrity through regular inspections and timely repairs.

Consider Advanced Roofing Materials

In areas prone to heavy snow, installing specialized ice and water shield products can offer additional protection.

Thoughtful Landscaping

Strategically placed trees can shade your roof and reduce snow melt, but be aware of potential hazards like falling limbs.


Effectively tackling ice dams requires a blend of immediate actions and long-term strategies. By focusing on proper insulation, ventilation, and regular roof maintenance, homeowners can protect their homes from the damaging effects of ice dams.


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