Embarking on a new roofing project requires a nuanced understanding of various elements that contribute to the overall cost. At Benson Contracting in Glens Falls, NY, we emphasize the importance of roof slope as a critical factor in determining your project’s budget.

Decoding Roof Slope

Roof slope, or pitch, is the measure of a roof’s steepness. It’s quantified as the vertical rise over a 12-inch horizontal distance. For instance, a slope of 5:12 means the roof rises 5 inches for every 12 inches of horizontal run. This measurement is not just a structural detail; it significantly influences cost, material selection, and design aesthetics.

How Roof Slope Alters Cost Dynamics

Flat and Low-Slope Roofs (2:12 to 4:12)

These roofs, while appearing flat, have a slight incline. They are generally more economical regarding material costs. However, their installation demands precision to ensure effective water drainage, which can elevate labor expenses.

Moderate-Slope Roofs (4:12 to 9:12)

Roofs within this slope range are prevalent in residential construction. They offer a harmonious blend of ease of installation and aesthetic versatility. This slope category often leads to more competitive pricing due to the widespread familiarity of roofing contractors with these designs.

High-Slope Roofs (Above 9:12)

Characterized by their dramatic incline, high-slope roofs are visually appealing and provide excellent water runoff. However, their steep nature requires more materials and specialized installation techniques, leading to increased costs in both labor and materials.

Selecting Materials Based on Slope

The roof’s slope is a deciding factor in material selection:

  • Flat to Low-Slope Roofs: These are typically covered with single-ply membranes or built-up roofing.
  • Moderate-Slope Roofs: A wide range of materials fits this category, including asphalt shingles, metal roofing, and wood shakes.
  • High-Slope Roofs: They are often adorned with premium materials such as slate, tile, or advanced metal roofing.

Each material type brings its own set of cost implications, influenced by the roof’s slope.

Additional Cost Influencers

Labor Complexity

Working on steeper roofs demands specialized skills and safety measures, which can increase labor costs.

Material Efficiency

Roofs with intricate designs or multiple features may lead to increased material waste, impacting overall expenses.

Drainage Requirements

The slope of the roof dictates the complexity of the drainage system needed, which can affect the cost.

Insulation and Ventilation Needs

A roof’s slope can influence its insulation and ventilation requirements, impacting both the roof’s performance and cost.


The slope of your roof plays a pivotal role in shaping the cost of your new roofing project. Understanding the interplay between slope, labor, materials, and additional factors is key to making informed decisions. At Benson Contracting, we pride ourselves on guiding our clients through these considerations, ensuring a roofing solution that meets both their aesthetic and budgetary needs.


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