Proactive Home Maintenance: 5 Essential Steps for Every Homeowner

Maintaining a home is a continuous journey, ensuring safety, comfort, and longevity. At Benson Contracting, located in Glens Falls, NY, we believe in empowering homeowners with knowledge and practical steps to keep their homes in top condition. Here are five key areas to focus on:

1. Routine Roof Inspections: The Foundation of Home Care

Bi-Annual Roof Check-Up

  • Spring Inspection: Post-winter, it’s crucial to inspect for any damage caused by ice and snow. Look for missing or damaged shingles and ensure all components are intact.
  • Autumn Preparation: Before winter sets in, a thorough inspection is necessary to prepare your roof for harsh weather conditions.

Post-Storm Assessments

  • Weather-Related Inspections: After any significant weather event, a detailed inspection is essential to identify and address any immediate damage.

2. Gutter Maintenance: Ensuring Efficient Water Drainage

Regular Gutter Monitoring

  • Monthly Checks: Regularly inspect gutters for blockages like leaves or debris, which can impede water flow and cause damage.

Seasonal Cleaning

  • Autumn and Spring Cleaning: These seasons require special attention to clear out leaves and debris accumulated over time.

3. Flashing Integrity: Securing the Roof’s Critical Points

Regular Flashing Checks

  • Damage Inspection: Examine flashings around chimneys, vents, and skylights for signs of corrosion or damage. Prompt replacement is key to preventing leaks.

Caulking and Sealing

  • Re-Sealing Flashings: Ensure the caulking around flashings is intact. If it shows signs of wear, reapply to maintain a watertight seal.

4. Algae and Moss Prevention: Protecting Your Roof’s Surface

Moss and Algae Treatment

  • Application of Moss Removers: Use commercially available solutions to combat moss and algae growth on your roof.

Long-Term Prevention

  • Installation of Metal Strips: Zinc or copper strips can be effective in preventing moss growth, leveraging the natural properties of these metals.

5. Roof Ventilation: Preserving Roof Health

Ventilation Check-Up

  • Regular Vent Inspections: Ensure that all vents are clear of obstructions and functioning correctly.

Balancing Air Flow

  • Intake and Exhaust Balance: Proper ventilation requires a balance between air intake (through soffit vents) and air exhaust (through ridge or box vents).


Home maintenance, particularly roof care, is an ongoing responsibility that safeguards the integrity and value of your property. By following these proactive steps, homeowners can significantly enhance the longevity and performance of their homes, ensuring a safe and comfortable living environment for years to come.


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