Understanding Roof Leaks and Their Causes

Roof leaks are a common issue faced by homeowners, often resulting from various factors such as weather damage, improper installation, or lack of maintenance. Identifying the root cause is crucial for effective resolution.

Common Sources of Roof Leaks

  • Shingle Damage: Broken or missing shingles can allow water to seep through.
  • Flashing Issues: Damaged flashing around vents, chimneys, and skylights can lead to leaks.
  • Gutter Blockage: Clogged gutters prevent proper water drainage, causing water to pool and seep under shingles.
  • Age and Wear: Over time, roofing materials deteriorate, making them more susceptible to leaks.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing Roof Leaks

Initial Inspection

  • Visual Inspection: Check for missing shingles, damaged flashing, and signs of wear.
  • Interior Check: Look for water stains or mold on ceilings and walls.

Repair Process

  • Shingle Replacement: Replace damaged or missing shingles.
  • Flashing Repair: Seal or replace faulty flashing.
  • Gutter Maintenance: Clean and repair gutters to ensure proper drainage.
  • Professional Assessment: For complex issues, consult experts like Benson Contracting in Glens Falls, NY, for a thorough evaluation.

Preventative Measures for Long-Term Protection

Regular Maintenance

  • Routine Inspections: Conduct bi-annual inspections, especially after severe weather.
  • Gutter Cleaning: Regularly clean gutters to prevent blockages.
  • Tree Trimming: Keep trees trimmed to avoid damage from falling branches.

Quality Materials and Installation

  • High-Quality Materials: Use durable roofing materials for longer lifespan.
  • Expert Installation: Ensure professional installation to avoid future issues.

When to Seek Professional Help

Signs You Need an Expert

  • Persistent Leaks: If leaks reoccur despite repairs, professional help is needed.
  • Structural Damage: Signs of significant damage require expert assessment.
  • Safety Concerns: Roof work can be dangerous; professionals have the necessary equipment and expertise.

Choosing the Right Contractor

  • Experience and Reputation: Look for contractors with a proven track record.
  • Licenses and Insurance: Ensure they are licensed and insured for your protection.
  • Local Knowledge: Local contractors, like Benson Contracting, understand regional weather patterns and roofing needs.


Addressing roof leaks promptly and effectively is crucial for maintaining a safe and dry home. Regular maintenance, using quality materials, and seeking professional help when necessary are key to a long-lasting, leak-free roof. For residents in and around Glens Falls, NY, Benson Contracting offers expert services to ensure your roof remains in top condition.


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